The connection between solar photovoltaic technology and agriculture
The Sustainable AgriVoltaic initiative stems from ENEA’s strong impulse to create a national network to promote knowledge and methodologies for the development and dissemination of agriVoltaic systems in collaboration with ETA – Florence Renewable Energies.
Agrovoltaico ® Plant Rem Power Virgilio, Borgo Virgilio, Mantova, Italia (2011) Photo by Nicola Ventura

EDF Agri-PV, Les Renardières, Écuelles, Francia (2019) Photo by Michaêl Ayach
Join the Network

Ensuring that agricultural policy enables market growth

Highlighting the key role in fighting climate change

Sharing know-how for project development

Providing a definition that supports infrastructure and policy development

Creating business opportunities together with energy communities

Create a vision of sustainable development

Technical and pre-normative guidelines

National events on support measures for the agrivoltaic sector
An increase in nominal installed capacity equal to more than 30 GW of electricity production via photovoltaics
The implementation of such objectives is supported with specific measures included in the Piano Nazionale di Riprese e Resilienza (PNRR) “Next Generation Italia ” contributing to the achievements of the PNIEC 2030’s goals.
EDF Agri-PV Les Renardières, 77250 Écuelles, Francia (2019) Photo by Michaêl Ayach

If only 0,32% of the italian agricultural land would be covered by solar systems, 50% of the PNIEC’s objective would be satisfied.

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